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Monday, November 15, 2010

Julia Morris Has Her Own Film Festival!!!!

Hey Good Lookers, Just wanted to let you know that if you haven't done so as yet... there are only 24 days left to make a film for jmofest.

The prizes are AAWWWESOME (take a look http://juliamorris.com/jmofest/ ) and the films and photos are loads of fun but I know they are NOTHING in comparison to what I know you could make.

You can see what I mean at http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=jmofest+2010&aq=f

I am no longer the judge as the competition has become huge with sponsors (hence the 5 grand camera as a first prize) ... so now the judges will be made up of a panel of people from the Breast Cancer Foundation in Aus, Canon, Gary Pitts (who donated the insane prizes) and Dan.

So it's not too late to enter...

The film festival is rocking and we are having a big screening night on Monday December 13th and the Comedy Store in Sydney.  It will have the 10 best films shown and I have coaxed four of the best comedians in the country to come and perform....so happy days!!  All the money raised is going to the National Breast Cancer Foundation in Australia."


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