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Monday, February 15, 2010


"I just wanted to tell you all that the show I've been directing for the past three and a half months premieres this Thursday on Comedy Central. If you don't already know, it's called IMPORTANT THINGS WITH DEMETRI MARTIN and it airs at 10pm (9 central) on Thursdays for the next ten weeks. I am a big fan of Demetri's comedy, it is very funny, smart and original and I really believe the show has captured his voice. If you are already a fan, I promise you that the second season steps up what you liked about season one. The show has two parts. One part is made up of all the filmed segments which I directed. The other part is a studio audience portion which was directed by a terrific live audience director. I'm really proud of the work we did on the show and encourage you to check it out. Set your DVR's!"

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