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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Driving Lessons - movie review


I'm in love with Rupert Grint. I never found him all that fascinating in the Harry Potter saga like one of my very best friends. She only watches them for him and of course, Tom. But really, she's been a Rupert Grint fan for ages. Well, if you only get to see his bits on screen in Harry Potter stuff..imagine..watching him as the main character of a movie.

Yeah, you get to see that vivid hair of his and those eyes. Amazing green eyes. And he was brilliant!

The movie came out between 2006 -2007. Its almost a British Harold and Maude, except they weren't suicidal or anything. Its about a boy from a very religious family. And you see how they see the world and how they interpret God in everything. His mother played by Laura Linny is as usual fantastic...and completely Brit. She forces Rupert's Ben to be in religious plays. And there is always this young pastor about who comes off something between James McCovey and James Tupper. While Ben's father is the formal pastor who reads mostly in his study about birds.

So this quirky family takes in an old odd fellow and because he needs "treatments"..Ben's mother tells Ben he must find a job to support the old man for his treatments. Well, the best he can do is tidy up for Julie Walters, an old actress who's house is a mess, but she'd rather be out camping, anyway. Meanwhile. Ben is suppose to be learning to drive. Before he knows it, he's driving the old dame places, and he's acting out play scenes with the rather sauced Walters. Naturally, his Mom thinks the worst, and she wants him home instead of off at poetry recitals.

Really, its a sweet movie about a boy and what he has to put up with from so many. From girls thinking he's strange to all the strange things he has to contend with.

Yeah, this one is a keeper and I'm glad I bought myself a copy of it. Lots of Sufjan Stevens' melodies through out the movie too.

These days you can see Rupert sporting stubble and not afraid to take his shirt off..especially, in last year's Cherry Bomb. While Wild Target will be out in the UK as of June 18, an action comedy with Emily Blunt and Rupert Everett.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

make a splash..hahahaha..not if I can help it

I dunno. This might be my last summer with Clive. Its not like its final, and its supposedly not me.

He wants to move. He hates his job and he just can't wait to travel. But I'm not wanting to go anywhere just yet. Sure, my job is not perfect and I work with strange people, but who doesn't.

I finally get full time which he'd been on my case forever and then he wants to up and quit his. I'm not sure what to do. Maybe Jonah can move in. I don't really want to leave here. Of course, I wish Jonah had a job. He's like a brother to me. And I used to live with him and his Mom. But we had some drama and well, I'm not exactly like that anymore, but I wouldn't want to move back in with her because she's like totally different with her new husband and well, it seems life is so slow lately when it comes to wanting to find a job and a career and everything.

I mean, I was so happy and everything with Clive because I wasn't expecting it. But he's got issues. And he needs to get that cleared up. Hopefully, I'll see my brother in June. Its been a very long time. He's in the military. He told me he's looking for a wife. I wanted to laugh, but I couldn't.

Anyway, I have to be upbeat. Starting Monday the new Summer Reading program kicks in.

I haven't gotten Will Grayson Will Grayson read like I should have. I'm afraid I'll have to wait to finish it. Because there are lot of holds on it. I do like the fact that the band got mentioned that I was so  crazy about a few years ago. Now not so much. Its funny when you can't remember why you found a band so special now. Of course, I loved the fact that these guys preactially lived for music. Very indie.

Naturally, I've been wanting to write about musicians. Oddly, though, I've never wanted to date one. I had a cousin who was with a drummer for a while and uh.. He was kind of a dick. Clive looks like he could be in a band, but he'd rather be playing World of War Craft. Yeap, that guy would be happy to have a fridge full of beer and his computer set to the game and not care about anything else. Maybe I should be happy he's going.

I guess its change I don't like.

Friday, May 21, 2010


"I just wanted to let you all know that I am very excited because I have been wanting to book something ASAP and it wasn't in the american market but I am happy to say that I booked CASADAS CON HOLLYWOOD. A Spanish show that airs in the most important network in Spain CUATRO and I play the friend of one of the leads in it. In English the show is called MARRIED TO HOLLYWOOD. It is very funny and for those who speak spanish enjoy and for those who don't just watch for some laughs lol. I did 1 episode and they liked me so much they wrote me in 2 more episodes. I'm done shooting now! Eva Longoria Guest Stars in 2 episodes that I am in!!!! How cool huh!"

Chane't Johnson In 'TIL DEATH

"I'm in the season finale of TIL DEATH (check your local listings).Sunday, May 23, 2010 at 7:00pm on FOX. Thanks for watching!"

Ginifer KIng Walks THE 39 STEPS!!!

Ginifer King has been added to the off Broadway cast of THE 39 STEPS!!!

Heather Hemmens In HELLCATS!!!

Heather Hemmens has been added to the cast of the upcoming CW comedy HELLCATS. Stay tuned to this blog for further details.

Ashton Holmes In NIKITA!!!

Ashton Holmes is in the upcoming hour long drama NIKITA for the CW Network. Stay tuned to this blog for further details.

Corey Sorenson In THE HELP!!!

Corey Sorenson has booked the upcoming major motion picture THE HELP. Stay tuned to this blog for further details.

Jessica Lu In THAT GIRL!!

Jessica Lu has booked a role in the upcoming MTV pilot THAT GIRL!!!

Letoya Luckett In KILLERS!!!

Letoya Luckett stars as Amanda in the upcoming feature film KILLERS starring Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigl.

Adam Rose Is In The WEEDS!!

Adam Rose has booked a recurring role on the upcoming season of the Showtime dramedy WEEDS.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Yet again

I know you are thinking..stop it already, Ivy. Stop it. Will you?

So yeah, you know how I wrote..oh, maybe yet Jackson Rathbone will give us a boyfriend/boyfriend movie in the future. Yeah, like thats gonna happen. Well, it could. But probably not. I just don't see him rock'n the boat anytime soon in that genre.

Then I find a pic of Thomas Dekker. Oh, I'm afraid he'll be the new It Guy. He was the son on the Sarah Connor Chronicals and just recently was in the latest Nightmare on Elm Street. Yeah, he's got one of those faces where he could be good or bad or something in between.

If that wasn't enough, I saw a lonely blog space that someone gave up that I used to follow. And I was all, well, I should take that place. I just should. Then I did, and I was like..now what?

Naturally, I had to think on it. Well, who would he go good with? I saw a pic of him with Megan Fox. Then I was reading up on how all these people just wish he'd come out of the closet, already. Naturally, I thought more. Smiles started to take over me. And I was thinking on 2 songs I've been listening to on Take Action Vol. 9. rock n roll romance and Mr. Rock & Roll. Then it hit me. Lou & Ed. aka...Thomas and Jackson. And a new take on She & Him.

So here goes nothing.

He & Him

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Its coming...UnNatural History on Cartoon Network

This June 13th... Cartoon Network starts its new live-action one hour show, UnNatural History. After years of traveling the globe and learning the ways of the world, Henry Griffin is returning to America to face his biggest challenge yet: the mysteries of high school. Together with his cousin Jasper and friend Maggie, Henry will use his ancient skills to solve modern mysteries. His cousin Jasper played by Jordan Gavaris is from Brampton, Ontario, Canada, and you might remember him as Nathan on Degrassi. Well, that's history now. He's moved on.

Recently, I got to ask Jordan a few questions.

Ivy: Tell me about your new project going on at Cartoon Network.

Jordan: As we speak, I'm on set shooting the sixth episode of the first season of UnNatural History. It's been a blast since the get-go and I've been fortunate enough to work with some really talented and experienced directors. We shoot each episode in seven days, and because it's an hour long drama the scheduling can sometimes make me a little nutty, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I'm so grateful to be a part of the project, not only because it's a solid show I can actually stand behind and believe in, but because it's the start of something really special for the Cartoon Network. This is their first venture into scripted live-action programming, so I think they're just as nervous and anxious to hear the audience's response as we are. It's a great feeling to enter into a project as a team when even the executives are on a level playing field- it makes the process less scary for the actors.

Ivy: What's your take on Canadian films?

Jordan: As much as being involved in an American project is exciting because its glossy and the studio involved (Warner Bros.) has endless resources, being a part of Canadian films is very important to me. I've been following Canadian cinema and television closely, and like any industry it has its gems and its duds, but the problem isn't our content- it's our press. Our content doesn't receive enough media exposure in the United States or our own country for that matter, to showcase our talent, which is why a sizable chunk of our actors and filmmakers wind up having to forge a career in Los Angeles. That said, we are seeing a shift, in that, Canadian talent who find careers in the States are coming back to Canada to work on indigenous projects, which explains why certain Canadian films receive more exposure but generally need a bankable actor to do so.

I'll always try to return to native projects when I can, but at this stage, for me, it's all about the role. I know it's a cliche but I can't help it- the role really is that important. The more a-typical the role, the better, because it means I'm able to take more risks with the character.

Ivy: Do you speak French?

Jordan: I do speak French! In fact, my character on UnNatural History speaks French fluently. His mother moved back to France after she divorced his father and he was raised speaking Parisian french. When I was cast, the producers had no idea I spoke the language, but the bilingualism was already in the script. Thank god I spoke the language or I would've needed a dialogue coach! I don't think I'm proficient enough to do a French film, but I'd love to do my own dubbing if its needed!

Ivy: I hear you like to do voices. Can you tell me about them?

Jordan: I can do most of the cast from Family Guy, but I try to limit how much I do it in public. I have this fear one day I'll bump into the creator and be slapped with a lawsuit...

That said, I LOVE comedy. It's a lot of fun to do, and less of a challenge for me than drama. Most actors find it to be the other way around, but being human, letting down my defenses, be vulnerable on screen (etc...) is a lot more difficult for me than delivering a punch line. Comedy's all about timing, and I watched a lot of sitcoms growing up, so I learned to mimic the greats.

Ivy: Any chance you'll ever do Degrassi again?

Jordan: As for Degrassi, the ballots out on that one! After my role in last season's episode, I wasn't contacted again by the producers. I booked the UnNatural History before an offer could be made to bring me back- whether or not that would have happened I'm not sure, but unfortunately, because of my schedule, I don't see any appearances on Degrassi in the future, but then again, who knows! I guess it'll remain a mystery!

I'm really excited for Jordan. The show looks really intriguing. We all love a mystery. I wish him the best.

Here he is talking about his role on the show.

UnNatural History starts June 13th, 8 p.m. (e/p)!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Justin Kredible Pulls CHEAP TRIX!!!

"My CHEAP TRIX Vaudeville Variety show is back and better than ever---plus it's ONLY 5 BUCKS!!! The schtick hits the fan this Wednesday, May 12th at the Comedy Store on Sunset. Doors at 8, show at 9. Make the jaunt and treat yourself to a one-of-a-kind night of comedy, magic, music, booze, juggling, and more!

The line-up is pretty fabulous as usual, read on...JUSTIN KREDIBLE! (Yours truly)...as your benevolent Master of Ceremonies...damn crazy tricks too! DAN LEVY! Hilarious Comedian, you've seen him on Comedy Central, now heckle him live. LINDSAY BENNER! She's an adorable juggler, how often does that happen?? NEVER!!! HILLEL! They call him Mr. Balloon Man, the dude gets IN a balloon...'nuff said. JESSIE PAYO! She's the ultimate vaudeville vixen, watch her fog up the windows. OWEN BENJAMIN! You've seen him in a ton of movies, now watch him bring down the house with his ivory tickling wit. CHRIS HAWLEY! This guy has done something that hardly any other yo-yo champion has ever attempted. He's actually kissed a girl! THE CHEAP TRIX BAND! Our house band's groovy beats and risque moves will leave you squirming in your seat.WHAT?!?...ALL THIS, FOR ONLY FIVE BUCKS?!? It's true........HOW can you afford NOT to come???

WATCH the trailer video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsE4RusC5L0 You can pre-order tickets on the Comedy Store website here: http://tinyurl.com/djh85n AND here's the Facebook event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=118004074884247 FYI, The evening is 21+, and there's 2 drink minimum.

I eagerly await your arrival! Post Script: If you're out of town or busy...fear not...you'll be there in spirit, and we'll surely raise a glass in your honor. cheers!"

Saturday, May 8, 2010

DREAD - movie review

OK, I won't say its completely dreadful. It is by far Jackson Rathbone's BEST movie to date. He's more than eye candy in this. The film is featured as one of HORRORFEST after dark films this past year. Its based on a short story by Clive Barker that takes about 2 1/2 hours to tell..or so it seems.

The story is the character developement of 4 college students on a Fear study. OK, three of them. Jackson Rathbone's Stephen Grace won't ride in cars due to his brother's fatal accident. Cheryl (Hanne Steen) won't eat meat due to her tormented past with her father who worked at the meat plant. And then there is Quaid who has a disturbing past of his own, who takes the study too far. Quaid played by Brit, Shaun Evans plays his part brilliantly. He's creepy. He's sexy. He's on the edge and even worse when he stops taking his pills and his nightmare start coming to life.

Co-worker, Abby played by Laura Donnelly is wonderful too, as Grace's friend with a birthmark that takes over half of her body. Of course, she wants to be more than friends with Rathbone's character, but he's just not one to take advantage of the situation. Messy hair and all, you get the real deal with Rathbone. Wouldn't we all like to just hang out with a cool dude like that at our campus? It was so close to making me think of Rules of Attraction...but you've got your gore.

Rathbone was definitely real in the movie, and of course its great to see him in something where he's doing more than just standing there. Of course, with these kind of flicks one can only wonder if he plans on being the king of horror. He's in Hurt, yet another horror thriller. Or either he's taken up real handicaps like cerebal palsy and down syndrome in up coming movie projects such at Girlfriend (which he co-produced) and Truckstop. Who knows, we might get a boyfriend/boyfriend film out of him yet.

I guess we'll have to wait and see.

This film was shot well. Great atmosphere and location. To some it will not be enough horror. To others it was definitely the feel of dread.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Comedy Central is developing the UNTITLED BROKEN LIZARD MINOR LEAGUE UMPIRES PROJECT. It's a series about four minor-league umpires from the minds of Broken Lizard http://brokenlizard.com/. Written by Kevin Heffernan, Steve Lemme, Erik Stolhankse, Paul Soter and executive produced by 3Arts.


Comedy Central is developing the pilot NOCTURNAL MISSION. It's a live-action show starring Chris D’Elia and Moshe Kasher as guys trying to save Earth. From veteran comedy writer Les Firestein and 3 Arts.


Comedy Central is developing the pilot INTERCOURSE WITH WHITNEY CUMMINGS. The half-hour scripted narrative comedy that follows Cumming's adventures in dating and sex. The show is based on Cummings’ stand-up.


Bill Burr will be starring in the Comedy Central show UNTITLED BILL BURR/KEVIN HART PROJECT. The half-hour scripted series starring real-life friends Burr and Hart as a modern-day take on"The Odd Couple." Executive produced by Bruce McCulloch and 3Arts.

Nick Kroll Is RICH DICKS!!!

RICH DICKS is based on the popular Funny or Die web short and is being made into a pilot presentation for Comedy Central. Nick Kroll and Jon Daly star as two obnoxious rich dicks who party it up in Los Angeles with the help of their nanny Consuela, creating a mess in their wake. Directed by Jon Krisel and executive produced by Krisel, Kroll and Daly.

Hanala Stadner Is HUNG!!!

Hanala Stadner has booked a role in the HBO show HUNG!! Stay tuned to this blog for further details.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Megan Park And Boti Bliss In THE PERFECT TEACHER!!!

Megan Park and Boti Bliss are set to star in the Lifetime's latest original, about "a spoiled high school student who becomes obsessed with seducing her teacher." Park and David Charvet will play the student and teacher, respectively, with Bliss as Charvet's girlfriend. The Thrill Films and Capital Productions are co-producing the project, which began production last month for a premiere date later this year.

Carter MacIntyre And Boris Kodjoe Get UNDERCOVERS!!!

NBC has given a 13-episode series commitment to the drama pilot UNDERCOVERS, about a domesticated husband (Boris Kodjoe) and wife (Gugu Mbatha-Raw) who return from years in retirement and are re-activated as CIA agents. J.J. Abrams and Josh Reims co-created the Warner Bros. Television-based hour, which was helmed by Abrams. Ben Schwartz, Carter MacIntyre, Gerald McRaney and Jessica Parker Kennedy also star. "We have tremendous confidence in this promising series and feel this is a great way to kick off our upcoming Upfront development announcements," the network's Jeff Gaspin said in a statement. "J.J. has delivered another signature series along with our partners at Warner Bros and we couldn't be happier." Bryan Burk also serves as an executive producer for Bad Robot Productions.


McCready Baker has been cast in an episode of the FX sitcom ITS ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA!!! Stay tuned to this blog for further details.

Nadia Dassouki In MULTIPLE SARCASMS!!!

"I just wanted to let you know that I got a supporting role in the film MULTIPLE SARCASMS. It just premiered in NYC and is opening in theatres this weekend. I'm playing Mira Sorvino's grumpy and chain smoking \ assistant Saffron. Timothy Hutton is the lead character as well as Dana Delany, who plays his wife and Stockard Channing as his agent!"

Rick Federman On FUNNY OR DIE!!!

Check out Rick Federman in the new Web video CHARLIE AND MR. WITHERS PART TWO!!

Natalia Castellanos in THE CLOSER!!!

Natalia Castellanos has booked a guest starring role in the TNT show THE CLOSER. Stay tuned to this blog for dates and times!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

well of course I'm going to post this

I got a little surprise. I finally checked my e-mail. And someone sent me a letter which made me smile.

I got an e-mail from Jordan Gavaris.

Hi Ivy,

A friend of mine directed me to your blog entry about the Degrassi appearances. I can't tell you how stunned I was that you'd taken the time to write about those scenes on the show- that really means a lot me! I only started working in film a few years ago and that was the first "buzz" anyone had committed to paper, virtual or otherwise, so I just wanted to take a few minutes to say thank you for the entry and your kind words about the work.

Thanks again,



"So tonight TUESDAY MAY 4th, at The Hollywood Improv at 10pm, might just be our best LINEUP yet!! Owen Benjamin - TONIGHT SHOW Natasha Leggero - CHELSEA LATELY, SARAH SILVERMAN Steve Byrne - COMEDY CENTRAL, TONIGHT SHOW and a special guest.:) Oh and me... hit me up at adamray23@hotmail.com to get on guest list and get in FREE!! Gonna be a good one.. hope u can make it!! AND...If you haven't seen this VIDEO yet, please take a peak: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YNg1sjOrWwGot me doing this show with Oxygen.:) Oh, the internet."

Lili Mirojnick And Morgan Krantz Visit SCREAMING LADY CREEK!!!

Lili Mirojnick and Morgan Krantz are both cast in the upcoming horror film SCREAMING LADY CREEK!

Angela Oh Moves To ASPEN!!!

Angela Oh will be starring in a pilot presentation called ASPEN. Stay tuned to this blog for further details!

Juhahn Jones Passes Thru GOLDEN GATES!!!

Juhahn Jones has booked the film GOLDEN GATES!!! Stay tuned to this blog for further details.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Miranda Russo In NCIS: LA!!!

Miranda Russo booked a role in NCIS: LA!!! It airs May 18th on CBS.

Jana Lee Hamblin Is IN YOUR SHOES!!!

Jana Lee Hamblin has booked a role in the television movie IN YOUR SHOES starring Nancy Travis. Stay tuned to this blog for dates and times!!!

Ethan Mechare Launches DOIN' IT WITH ETHAN!!!

"My new online talk show DOIN' IT WITH ETHAN launched and I couldn't be more excited. Yay! http://www.doinitwithethan.com/ I've spent many months working on the content and the design of the site and I'm really looking forward to sharing it with all of you and all your friends and their friends and so on. My goal is to be a go to site for short celebrity interviews, quick comedy videos that I call "Fakeality," because they are based in truth but are often times exaggerated, as well as interviews with interesting, innovative people. My show is basically an expression and collage of who I am and what I believe in. There's also a page on the site called Dear Oprah which is a video plea to Oprah to come on my show. Do you think I can get crazy, insanely busy Oprah to do it with me? Please forward the link to my show to your community and if they like it please encourage them to pass it on or post links to your/their favorite videos on their Facebook and Twitter pages! Thanks for helping and inspiring me to do what I love."

Sunny Mabrey On MEMPHIS BEAT!!!

Sunny Mabrey has booked a recurring role on the upcoming drama MEMPHIS BEAT, which stars Jason Lee as Dwight Hendricks, "a Memphis police officer who lives with his mother (Celia Weston)" and "his intimate connection with the city and its people sets him apart from his fellow officers." She'll play Dwight's ex-wife, Charlene Campbell, a role which she guest starred in the pilot. MEMPHIS BEAT launches Tuesday, June 22 at 10pm on TNT.

Dean Cates In CSI:MIAMI!!!

Dean Cates has booked a co-starring role in the season finale of CSI:MIAMI on CBS!! Stay tuned to this blog for dates and times.

Brea Grant Has ICE ROAD TERROR!!!

Brea Grant has booked a role in the upcoming film ICE ROAD TERROR!!!


"I just wanted to tell you about this wonderful show i'm in at the Mark Taper Forum. it's called BENGAL TIGER AT THE BAGHDAD ZOO and it's a 2010 Pulitzer Prize finalist. i'm really proud of this production and it would mean so, SO much to me if you could come check it out. I promise you won't regret it. a theater piece like this doesn't swing thru LA every day and to whom it may concern, everyone in the cast/crew is really fancy with lots of fancy credits and awards. They're also fancy talented. so please, please don't miss this one. It's truly a beautiful piece Here's a link to more info on the show. http://www.centertheatregroup.org/tickets/productiondetail.aspx?id=11438 Hope to see you there!"

Kamila Korz In HORROR 88 And GARBAGE!!!

Kamila Korz has landed roles in the films HORROR 88 annd GARBAGE!!!

Constane Wu Gets SIDETRACKED!!!

Constane Wu has booked the feature film SIDETRACKED!!!


Eric Andre has been added to the cast in the UNTITLED JAMIE FOXX SKETCH SHOW for Fox!!!

Ellen Wroe Is HUGE!!!

Ellen Wroe has booked a role in the ABC Family pilot HUGE!!!

Emily Chang Wins An Emmy!!!

"Thought I'd share a piece of good news with you: I just won an Emmy! It was for the NY chapter (more targeted for newsy/broadcasty/less glamorous than prime time stuff), but an Emmy nonetheless, for a documentary series that I hosted last year by The Atlantic Monthly/ NY Times. We were nominated in two categories (best documentary & best business/consumer) and we won in the latter, but it was an honor regardless. so yay!"

Lili Mirojnick In HORROR 88!!!

Lili Mirojnick has booked the horror film HORROR 88!!! Stay tuned to this blog for further details.